December 16, 2006

101 on mouth guards: Part II

What are the different types of mouth guards?

Stock mouth guard: The cheapest option for mouth protector; though it offers minimum protection, since the fitting regulation is limited. It can disturb when talking and breathing because with this protector your mouth has to be closed to keep it in its place. The stock mouthguard is not considered an acceptable device of face protection.

Formed-in-mouth mouth guards: These dental guards come with a covering people as a “boil and bite” product. The peel is covered with acrylic or gum. When it is placed in the mouth, the protector moulds to the teeth and fixes in.

Custom-made mouth guards: The best option is a dental protector custom made by your dentist. It offers protection, fitting and comfort at a superior level since they are made form a plaster mould that feet your teeth.

How should I take care of a mouth guard?
- Wash your dental device with soap and warm water, not hot.
- Rinse it in mouth wash- When not being used, keep the mouth protector in a ventilated plastic box. Make sure the box has some holes or opening that let the air come in.
- Heat is damaging for mouth protector, so do not expose it to sunlight or keep it in your car.- Do not fold your mouthguard when storing it.
- Do not use somebody else’s mouth guard. - Call the dentist who made your mouth guard if you present any problem.

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December 15, 2006

101 on mouth guards: Part I

What is a mouth guard?
A mouth guard or dental protector is a flexible device made of plastic that is used for athletic and any other physical activities to protect teeth from any possible traumatism.

Why should I wear a mouth guard?

You should wear them to protect your teeth from injuries. Dentists unanimously support the use of dental protectors, especially when practicing sports. Every year there are over 200 000 mouth and jaw injuries.

Do mouth guards avoid injuries?
The teeth protector, as it is also known, can prevent serious injuries like commotions, brain hemorrhages, conscious loss, maxillary fractures and neck injuries, since it avoids that the lower jaw gets incrusted into the upper jaw. Mouth protectors separate well teeth from the soft tissues of the mouth; avoiding in this way injuries and wounds in lips and cheeks, especially in people who use braces or any orthodontic device.

For which sport should I use a mouth guard?
Whenever there is the possibility of contact with other players or hard surfaces, mouth guards are recommended. If you practice a sport such as basketball, baseball, football, wrestling, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, skating, martial arts, and even riding a bike or doing skateboard, demand wearing a mouthguard.

Why should children wear mouth devices?
Sometimes, parents are unaware of the level and potential dental injury risks there are in the sport their children practice. Some schools make emphasis on the advantage it represents for health wearing a dental protector when practicing contact sports.

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December 10, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part IX

Periapical radiographs: They are a series of small individual radiographies of teeth taken to observe detailed characteristics of some particular area or small details of some tooth that can not be observed on a panoramic radiography.

Photographic studies: They help evaluating physiognomic characteristics, shape, length and width of the face and facilitate detecting facial asymmetries of patients, as well as details that can not be perceived by first sight, being a valuable instrument to compare results of the treatment.

Yeast models: They are an exact duplicate of your teeth that is realized introducing a soft dough that will quickly get hard in your mouth, being removed smoothly, pouring on it a special yeast to make a model that will allow the orthodontist study your teeth when you are not at his/her office.

Once these exams are realized, the orthodontist will indicate you the most adequate type of treatment for your particular case, when to start it, the type of devices you will use, who much time it will last, the cost and the way of payment.

Eventually, the orthodontist may demand complementary exams if he/she considers them necessary as respiratory airways exams, blood test and others the doctor consider necessary.

So, without radiographies I can not get an orthodontics treatment?
Definitely NO, since the doctor could not be able to know how the roots of your teeth are or where the missing teeth are or if there are supernumerary teeth (more teeth than normal) or if there are congenital absences of teeth or bone problems, or any other problem.

How often should I go to the dentist?

The first appointments will be weekly until finishing placing all the devices (3 to 4 visits), then your visits to the dentist will be once a month. When the devices will be removed, you visits tot he dentist will be more spare.

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December 09, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part VIII

Do I have to take radiographies? Aren’t them health hazardous?
The only way the orthodontist has to find out the type of malocclusion you mat have is by the means of radiographies analysis. Fortunately, with technological advances, radiographies are less harmful due too the fact that modern devices emit low doses of radiation and they are better directed to the zone to be analyzed. However, it is better to ask the radiologist to wear an apron of plum for more protection, especially if you are pregnant, suffer from anemia or any other condition.

Among the radiographies you will be taken are:

Panoramic radiographies: It allows observing the degree of eruption of the teeth, the formation of roots, the teeth that will grow up; and it allows observing the nasal bones, the jaw and evident bone injuries, rests of fractured teeth and other things that can not be seen by the naked eye; that is why this type of radiography is used for any dental exam.

Complete cephalometry: this is a lateral radiography of the crane that is analyzed in a special way to measure the angles of teeth, their position respect to the maxillary and the type of bone structure you have to determine your type of malocclusion.

Nowadays, with the use of computers, there can be realized millimetrical measurements and angulations in the most exact way to facilitate the diagnosis of the orthodontist.

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December 07, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part VII

Once the treatment is finished, the position of teeth is permanent?

If the orthodontic treatment was adequately finished, the permanent improvement is in 95% of cases. However, our teeth, as any other part of our body tend to move and readapt with age. Likewise, winkles tart appearing on our skin, hair falls or change its color, teeth also suffer changes. Most of facial and dental changes are permanent, except for some growing pattern. A suitable following of the case, once the treatment is finished and the use of diverse types of fix or removable holders are important factors to avoid possible changes with age.

How much is an orthodontic treatment?

Each person has a different dental treatment plan, since the type of bite, the dental clustering and the times it takes to correct them differs in each person. These factors considerably alter the approximate cost of the treatment; however, the payments are divided into shares during the total time of the treatment, facilitating its payment considerably.

Remember that nice teeth bring many aesthetic and functional benefits during a life time, and what could be best than investing in your own health.

What are the components of an orthodontic treatment?

– Wire arch
– Bands
– Braces or brackets
– Elastics
– Extra oral arch tube

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December 02, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part VI

How frequent are the visits to the orthodontist?

Once the braces have been placed, the appointments can vary from 3 to 7 weeks, depending one ach phase of the treatment. The use of new techniques allow that the wires keep activated for the long periods of time avoiding discomfort and frequent visits to the orthodontist.

Is it necessary to extract dental pieces to get the correct alignment of teeth?

Not necessarily. Nowadays, they extract much less pieces than they used to some years ago. Fortunately, they have developed different techniques as the breaking of “contact areas” or the expansion of the arches to make the spaces with no need to extract a tooth.

What is the best age to start going to the orthodontist?

According to the American Association of Orthodontics the ideal age top visit the orthodontist is at 7. Severe problems of dental growing and clustering can be more easily corrected before puberty. With the aim of avoiding long and expensive treatments, the early dental treatment has to be done in two phases: the first one to correct growing problems or making spaces to allow the eruption of permanent teeth, and a second phase, to finish the dental alignment. It is necessary that these two phases are realized separately; and to establish the problems to correct in each of them from the beginning to avoid prolonged, expensive and uncomfortable treatments (more than 3 years).

Why there are crooked teeth or bite problems?

There are a number of factors that make teeth grow in a bad position like genetic or inherited causes, until severe cavity problems in baby teeth, nutrition, different type of habits or certain respiratory problems.

How come teeth move?

Dental movement is the result of applying slight strengths to the tooth by different devices, which unchains a remodeling of the bone and the tissues that surround the tooth enabling it to move. For this to happen, it requires certain time: thus, the braces are tightened every 3 to 7 weeks.

The indispensable elements for an orthodontist treatment are the braces or brackets and the wire. The wire gives the strength; and the braces transmit it to the tooth.

When applying strength to a tooth with these two devices, it is generated a soft pressure over the periodontal ligament.

On the pressure area, the bone is reabsorbed; and on the tension area, the bone is formed.
When the wire is changes very month, it is making pressure, but in a show way that do not harm any part of the tooth.

These pressures stimulate the bone cells to reallocate the teeth through the bone remodeling.

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November 29, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part V

Does it hurt having an orthodontics treatment?

Once the dental devices are placed in your mouth, you will feel certain discomfort during 2 to 3 days approximately, that can be either way eliminated by taking an analgesic. These discomforts will not appear until the devices are readjusted again.

Why is important undergoing a treatment of orthodontics?
Well-aligned teeth and an adequate bite –besides a good dental health care-allow us to avoid premature waste, the accumulation of bacterial plaque responsible of cavities, gum problems; and will allow us to have a great smile.

What are the other alternatives besides the traditional metallic braces (that are not so cool looking)?
Nowadays there are many esthetic dental alternatives for adult patients. Using ceramic braces or removable plates allow aligning teeth in a relatively short period of time.

Some time ago, esthetic braces were made of plastic and they got pigmented and waste over time, giving a bad appearance and delaying the treatment. But now, last generation ceramic braces completely eliminate all these disadvantages, which allow doing the treatment in an esthetic, fast and accurate way. The lingual braces (stuck onto the back of the tooth) are just used in certain cases since they can not correct the bite at 100% and provoke multiple annoyances to the tongue.

Is it possible to align teeth without using braces?
In some cases it is possible aligning teeth by using diverse removable devices instead of braces. This depends on the particular condition of your teeth, which will be so great for those whose job and activities are not benefited with the use of braces.

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November 19, 2006

101 on dental health: Part II

It is not necessary to brush your teeth alter each meal
It is important to do it in the morning and at might. It is damaging in the case you have taken acid drinks, since the brushing would eliminate the enamel weakened by the acid.

Do not ignore a slight tooth ache.
Do not overlook painful stinging or other signs, no matter how weak they are. The pain gradually gets worse.

Dental cavities are not always painful
Tooth aches are not always related to cavities. It can be due to an infection that does not show through the mouth in a visible way.

Sparkling water can dissolve the dental enamel
Avoid drinking sparkling water since the carbonic gas can gradually eliminate the enamel. To reduce cavities and improve dental hygiene use fluoride water.

Excessive and inadequate brushing can damage gums and molars
Teeth should be brushed for 2 minutes at most with circular movements. If you pass this time and moreover, you perform horizontal and/or vertical movements you will be damaging and wasting the dental surface of your teeth.

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November 18, 2006

101 on dental health: Part I

Mouth washes do not fight bacteria
Using mouth wash is important but they do not reach the areas where dental floss can reach. Bacteria are not totally eliminated with a mouth wash.

Dental bleachers do not change the teeth’s color
Dental bleaching products just limit to eliminate the stains on teeth, that is the teeth will recover their natural color. The person who has white teeth will get them whiter and the person who has them yellowish will get them less yellowish.

The use of dental floss prevents heart disease
American researchers have found out that people with gum problems are two times more prone to suffer from heart disease.

Dry mouth can damage your teeth
A mouth frequently dry is a sign of possible diabetes. Saliva is fundamental to drag rests of food and neutralize acids.

Saliva show if we have bad breath
Put a bit of saliva of the back of your tongue on the palm of your hand and let it dry and smell it.

Fake teeth have to be changed very 5 years
Oral tissues of the lower part of the teeth change over time, but the hard material do not get adapted.

Bleached teeth are not as strong as yellow teeth
As we grow old we are loosing blood stream and this makes teeth look yellowish, but not necessarily less healthy. On the contrary, people who use too much teeth bleaching products are gradually eliminating the protective enamel.

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November 14, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part IV

What is the difference between Orthodontics and Maxillary Orthopedics?

Orthodontics can be interceptive or corrective. The first one is generally realized with removable dental devices with hooks, screws and springs. When the misalignments are slight the treatment with these kinds of devices can be done by a specialist in Infantile Orthodontics or orthodontist, and in some simple cases, by the general dentist.

The corrective Orthodontics is realized with fixed devices, each of them have a precise indication and a determined age, while the Maxillary Orthopedics or Functional Orthopedics of the maxillaries is used when there is a bone deficiency. The devices used are more complex, most of them removable that’ stimulate the muscular/bone changes inhibiting or stimulating the maxillary growth. These types of devices require a lot of professional attention, since a misguided growth will produce a life-time malformation. The latter must be controlled by the specialist only.

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November 11, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part III

Is it really necessary to align teeth or is it just a matter of fashion?

Misaligned teeth can break easily and trap the particles of food that can produce dental cavities and gum diseases, resides diminishing the chewing quality, which can cause to us stomach problems, constipation, gases or malnutrition: A deficient digest can affect the general health of a person.

Besides, there can be produced disorders in Temporal-Mandibular Articulation (TMA) that allows the jaw movements, producing sounds initially soft that increase when opening the mouth, chewing and can even degenerate in articulation arthritis and in extreme cases impeding the mouth opening and the decreasing of the hearing capacity (deafness). Fortunately, a treatment realized on time can correct these defects.

Orthodontics is a branch of Odonthology that studies, diagnoses, prevents and corrects dental and bone malocclusion problems. As in all dental specialties, the Orthodontist has dedicated years of study on the anatomy of crane and face, growth and development of human beings from childhood until adulthood and techniques that will allow him/her to solve your problem by suing removable orthodontic devices, maxillary orthopedic devices, fixed devices or combinations of them, depending on the diagnose of your particular case.

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November 04, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part II

Types of malocclusion

Teeth misalignment or malocclusions are the abnormalities that affect the teeth only when they are crooked, twisted or separated; when the jaws or maxilla re affected these abnormalities are called bone malocclusions where there is a difference between the size and position of a maxilla respect to the other.

One person may have one or both types of malocclusion and depending on the severity of the case, the orthodontist will determine when to start an orthodontic treatment, what type of dental device(s) you will need and the time you will have to wear it.

Teeth may be in different positions when they get out the normal occlusion, thus they can press each other, be crossed or separated, or there may be an excess of teeth (supernumerary teeth) or the absence of them (genetic absence) or refrained (they have not came up yet).

In Orthodontics there are considered three types of malocclusions:

Class I: This is the most frequent type of malocclusion that is observed when the maxillas are aligned but the teeth do not fit well. Teeth could be too long or too short for the jaws, which can difficult the chewing, facilitate the appearance of cavities and gum disease (gum bleeding) and affects the personal look.

Class II: To this group belong most people who have crooked or mounted teeth or “protruded” which is the right term. This can happens when the upper jaw grows more than the normal and sticks out or when the jaw is deficient, that is, when it has not grown enough. In adult patients, jaw deficiency may require surgery.

Class III: This is the most uncommon case of malocclusion. The jaw sticks out more or protruded than the rest of the face, but this might be due to a grow deficiency of the upper jaw. In children, most cases can be treated with relative success, but some may require a treatment that combines Orthodontics with surgery.

Other common problems we can see in any malocclusion are:

Crossed bite: One or more teeth, whether the fronts ones or the molars are inverted respect its opposite.

Open bite: When the borders of the upper and lower frontal teeth can not make contact against each other, despite the molars do make contact. This is common in people (mostly toddlers and children) who suck their fingers or breather through the mouth.

Deep bite: The upper teeth cover too much the lower teeth, and in some cases it can make contact with gum of the palate when chewing, inhibiting the normal growth of the jaw in young patients that could cause other injuries.

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November 01, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part I

Why do I need dental devices?

There are many reasons why a person gets her teeth aligned, but the most important of all is dental health. If teeth are not well aligned and the jaws placed in their right position that enable a good chewing, there can be formed cavities and gum disease. In more severe cases, there can be articulation problems shown by sounds when opening and closing the mouth, and even deafness.

A more common reason why people fix their teeth is for aesthetics, to improve their smile.
What is a bad dental position or malocclusion?

Orthodontics specialists use the word malocclusion to describe a variety of problems relates to teeth and jaws. There is a malocclusion when by closing the mouth the teeth do not fit accurately.

Why do I have misaligned teeth?

It may be inherited. For instance, if your father has long teeth and your mother small jaws, you might have inherited small jaws and long teeth, pressing each other together for a lack of space.

There are some damaging habits such as sucking the fingers (babies and children), breathing through the mouth, chewing nails or the lips, pushing the tongue against the teeth, biting strange objects (pencils, pens, etc); that may also produce malocclusion. This happens because the constant pressure upon the teeth and the jaws can gradually produce deformities and deviations, since they are always in constant movement, especially at a young age.

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October 06, 2006

Immediate load dental implants

In regarding to this type of teeth implants, dentists say is putting is risk the possibility that the bone integrates well to the bone, since this process does not occur immediately, and therefore, if we load an tooth implant early, we are risking to loose it. This does not mean it can not be done, but it is just less safe and just applicable to certain cases, for instance, if the patient has lost one dental piece, where the placing would not be meaningful; and when the person is committed to take care of herself.

In tooth whitening treatment as well for the titanium bone integrated implants, the fundamental is to get a good dental diagnosis before getting committed to a dentist. Not al patients require teeth bleaching and not all can have all his teeth form one day to the other. In Odontology it is always better to realize a methodic and safe work before trying compromising solutions that promise wonders in 5 minutes, but put in danger our health and our pocket.

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October 04, 2006

Who can not get bone integrated dental implant?

Unfortunately, due to certain medical conditions the bone integrated dental implant treatment is not recommended for some groups of people. So if you belong to one or more of these discuss with your doctor what other dental replacement possibilities you have:

– Diabetes patients: Due to blood microcirculation problems.
– People who have received cancer radiation treatment: they present a diminishing of bloodstream in the dental bones.
– Smoking patients: They would have to quit smoking for along period before the teeth implant treatment.
– Children and teenagers: In case your child has lost some of his/her teeth, it is recommendable to wait until his/her growing process if finished to avoid atrophies.
The best option is using an adhesive prosthesis that hide the defect in a very esthetic way until the patient has the enough age to use titanium tooth implants.

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October 02, 2006

Dental implants, teeth forever

Modern dental implantology is a whole revolution fro dental problem that could only be solved with a painful dental surgery that at the end did not solve the problem completely.

Titanium teeth implants used nowadays have an easy adaptation to dental bone structure; they were accidentally discovered by the Swedish Per Ingvar Branemark in 1965, who installed titanium microcameras in rabbit bones to test the microcirculation of those pieces, and when he tried to take them out, he couldn’t, they have “stuck to the bone”.

In these days it is possible to replace all the teeth, some of them or just one dental piece. The great advantage of this technique is its functional and esthetic results at 1005 respect to the natural piece.

The time the titanium implant takes to integrate to the dental bone, “the waiting time” is variable. In the frontal part of the lower jaw would take around four months, and in the upper jaw, around six months, times that have been reducing over time. In the meantime, the patient will wear provisional dental prosthesis to stand the teeth implants with more stability, until fulfilling the total bone integration.

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September 24, 2006

Teeth cleaning homemade tips

Teeth care is very important, without them we can not chew well, which produces a bad digest.
Toothpastes and mouth washers do not clean tartar, which progressively destroys your teeth. To avoid this there are some homemade methods like.

1. Rubbing your teeth with strawberries or the juice of any citric fruit.
2. Brushing your teeth with warn water after each meal.
3. When you feel your teeth lose, chew raw water cresses.
4. For children teeth problem, they can suck a piece of marsh mallow root.

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September 21, 2006

What’s new on dental implants?

Our first recommendation: never be the first one on trying a new medical treatment.

New and revolutionary techniques come with some level of uncertainty, since all their risks and long-term complications are unknown. Unfortunately of the thousands of revolutionary invents that have come up on the dental implanting scene in the last ten years; just a few are still being used.

Said this, there are three aspects in which dental implant treatments are improving:

Esthetic: It not only matters functionality, but also having esthetic appearance. It’s usually required a multidisciplinary team to achieve great results. Periodontists, orthodontists and prosthesis specialists must team up with coordination.

Time saving: Every time we have to wait lees time between the dental implant placement and the prosthesis. Sometimes they can both be done in the same day. Among these treatments we find: one day teeth, teeth in “x” hours, all in four prosthesis, Novum, etc.

Bone regeneration: We can get back part of the lost bones with regeneration techniques.

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September 18, 2006

Braces placement: Does it hurt so bad? (*)

Let’s face it! There are just a few lucky ones who can feel proud of a straight, white and healthy smile. The rest of mortals have yellowish and imperfect teeth due to many causes such as a deficient diet, excess of drinking and smoking and genetic inheritance.

However, we don’t have to settle for this. Of course not, cosmetic dentistry has advanced at huge steps and is now able to work wonders for our teeth.

One of the most common recommended solutions by dentists is wearing braces. Conventional methods in orthodontics are still the same in essence, some have been ruled out, though they are now enhanced with new materials and techniques that make them more comfortable and more esthetic.

Braces treatment varies according each person, depending on such factors as: Age, teeth’s position, dental bone structure, mouth’s health and esthetic wishes.

The treatment lasts from one to two years approximately, as I said, depends on each case. In kids and teens is easier to handle because their teeth are constantly moving and not hard and fixed as adults’; nevertheless, the dentist has to foresee the appearance of wisdom teeth, since they could pushed the frontal teeth.

But don’t think if you are pushing base three or four you don’t have a solution. Of course you do. It takes more time because your teeth are already formed though, but the risk of moving teeth is far less than in young people.

The braces treatment follows these steps (the order is not strict) (...)

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September 10, 2006

What are teeth impants? Part III

What happens if all teeth are missing?
If you have lost all your teeth in one of your jaws, you have two possibilities:
  1. Wearing a complete flipper
  2. Implant treatment

Complete dentures work very well in many cases, but over time maxillary bones get reabsorbed and the fake teeth doesn’t fit very well, unless you use special adhesives.

Other people instead, can not stand a removable prosthesis for psychological or social reasons. The sensation of getting their teeth back and being able to chew well, turn into a great life quality improvement for many of them.

With dental implants the dentist can get a fixing point placing a bar upon two implants, over this point he/she can make a removable “overflipper”, that stays firm in despite of the chewing movements.

Another alternative is placing many implants in the frontal area and making a fix bridge, less notorious than the complete dentures, which goes fixed to the implant and is not removable.
Implant treatment advantages
  • More comfort
  • Being able to chew any kind of food
  • Keeping the size and shape of dental bones

Modern dentistry offers conventional restoring treatments enhanced with the use of new materials and technology, and also gives new options with the use of dental implants.

Treatments are personalized considering many factors. Not always the new is the best. Ask your dentist which is the most suitable option for your needs.

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September 08, 2006

What are teeth implants? Part II

What happens if there is only one tooth missing?

In kids and young patients is common the congenital absence of one tooth –that didn’t appeared- or it broke.

There are the following treatment alternatives:Removable prosthesis or flipper: it has an acrylic palate or holding hooks. It’s the cheapest system, but also the most uncomfortable and not so esthetic. However, it’s a good temp solution for a dental implant treatment.

Adhesive prosthesis : It sticks to the teeth’s enamel thanks to the application of shallow acids and then a resin. It can be temporary while a bridge or tooth implant is made.

Dental implants are an ideal solution for the reposition of a single tooth; the implant is introduced within the bone and; in a second phase is restored with prosthesis.

Once the implant is placed we can observe through X-rays its position within the bone, we can see it has replaced the root of the lost tooth. From now on, we have to wait between four months approximately for the upper jaw and six months for the lower jaw to proceed to the elaboration of the definite crown upon this implant.
What happens is there are many teeth missing?

Over the years teeth come out because of gums problems, cavities or fractures.In these cases, multiple implants placement is an alternative, since the teeth left don’t have to be involved to replace the absent ones. On the hand, this avoids the inconvenient of a flipper.

However, traditional alternatives provide a solution too, and sometimes, there amore more suitable for certain patients.

The treatment options when there are many missing teeth are:
  1. Removable dentures
  2. Fix bridge trimming neighboring teeth
  3. Individual implant with crowns upon.

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September 03, 2006

What are teeth implants? Part I

Dental implants consist of a cylindrical-shaped titanium piece introduced inside a maxillary or mandibular bone, through a small surgical intervention, similar to a tooth extraction.

Afterwards, between 4 to 6 months after the implant collocation, the dental surgeon will proceed to the crown elaboration that will be placed upon the implant, now intimately integrated to our own bone (bone-integrated)

What advantages do dental implants have?

The most important advantages are that you can avoid the use of fake teeth, as well as the trimming of the surrounding teeth for fix prosthesis. However, teeth implants do not represent a panacea for the reposition of lost teeth. There are many cases that can be solved with a conventional prosthesis; and it’s always wise to ask the dentist, who is the most indicated to suggest the different alternatives for each case.

We must point out that tooth implant most be done in team, under the charge of a professional in dental final restoration (prosthesist), since he/she must indicate which is the most suitable position for the implant, according to the work plan.

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August 27, 2006

Lingual braces: A new esthetic challenge

Against more esthetic requirements from teenage and adult patients, comes up the necessity of giving a solution to crooked teeth. This way, orthodontists make new braces design: lingual braces, which allow getting results as good as with the braces placed outside the teeth.

Among the different models in the market, the most used worldwide are Dr. Craven Kurz’ 7th generation (G7) and the Scuzzo-Takemoto-Bracket (STB),d eveloped by the Ormco. With this new design they can reduce most of the first disturbances fro talking that patients had. For instance for deep bites, G7 braces are the most suitable.

With these new braces dentists are able to treat all kinds of malocclusions, including surgical patients or with periodontal diseases, refrained canines, open bites, overbites class II and III; and of course they can de used for the same purposes of the regular braces, with the same results.

Dentists do not have to acquire special instruments, except for some pliers of distal cut and the Weinghart pliers of long handle, that are very useful to work in the inner side of the mouth.
It’s also very important to point out a careful oral hygiene to avoid gingival inflammation, something, that with any other dental technique makes difficult the tooth movement.

There is no limitations for the use of this dental techniques, as always the dental practitioner is well trained to realize it. And, as in any other treatment, the treatment planning and objectives must be individualized for each patient, taking into account not only the malocclusion, but also the presence of cavities, plaque and rule out the presence of any oral disease.

As a conclusion, dentist comment that the number of patients demanding these braces is increasing, and living them excellent results and the plus of a more esthetic and natural look.

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August 10, 2006

Senior dental health

As we grow old our dental need get more specialized. Since our dental needs might be different from the ones we used to have it’s vital to regularly visit our dentist. Although many senior people wear dentures, teeth loss is not necessarily related to the aging process, but also with dental diseases that can be prevented.

Many old people might be taking medication that could interact negatively with dental anesthesia. For this reason it0s important to keep your dentist informed about any change or update on your clinical history to avoid any damaging interaction with your medication or any health change. Likewise, many medications may reduce saliva production, resulting in a dry mouth, which can produce cavities or the loss of dental pieces over time.

The right use of fake teeth

The fact of using fake teeth doesn’t mean to forget about your oral health. Actually, oral health is imperative if you use complete or partial dentures, since this will allow you feeling more comfort and fitting when using them.

Daily use of fake teeth

The following techniques explain better how to effectively remove plaque and food rests from dentures and mouth:

Rinsing: Rinse your mouth completely with water to eliminate loose pieces of food.

Brushing: Use a special toothbrush that fits that adjusts to your dentures’ shape for a slow brushing but no so roughly fro not damaging the plastic pieces or double the metallic bands. It’s desirable to use specific toothpastes to clean fake teeth instead of the regular ones because these could be to rough for the material. Never use bleaching products on them because they could change the color of the fake teeth or the metallic pieces.

Soaking: Unless your dentist recommends you the contrary, take off your fake teeth at night to give rest to your gums. You must keep your dentures humid if you are not wearing them in your mouth. On the contrary they might loose their shape. Soak them in a dentures cleaning solution during the recommended period if you soak them for more time the metallic bands might get stained). Never soak them in hot water because they could get deformed.

Reinsertion: Handle the fake teeth with over a folded towel or a bowl filled with water to the middle, because even a slight fall could break the base of the dentures or any of the dental pieces. Before reinserting the dentures, brush your gums and palate with a smooth toothbrush in order to eliminate plaque and stimulate circulation.

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August 07, 2006

Kids going to the dentist

To take your children to the dentist you should not wait until he or she presents any pain or disturbance. The relationship child-dentist has to start in good conditions for not creating in his/her mind frightening ideas about visiting this professional.

It’ not convenient at all to inspire fear on the kid by commenting misfortunate experiences about dental visits. Talk in normal and simple terms; do not make a drama of it. Avoid telling your children about your bad experiences with the dentist.

Do not threaten your child with taking her/him to the dentist as punishment. On the contrary, try to make him/her feel confident and happy about visiting a good friend. When your kid arrives to the dentist’s office, leave him alone; allow him to answer the questions when he is requested to.

Try not to show yourself in panic if your child cries at the consult, remember that that’s a normal reaction before gaining confidence. Do not cheat on your kid telling him what they are going or what they are not going to do to him. Do not embarrass him in the presence of other people or other kids of his age because of his behavior at the dentist’s office.

But above all you should not forget that of a good dental health many depends times the good physical and mental state of our children, since many oral problems are health problems too and should be treated like that. A neglected mouth represents a serious danger for the health an even to the life of the child.

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August 06, 2006

Baby’s first tooth

Once the first baby tooth appears you must start taking care of your baby’s oral health, so in this way he will have healthy teeth in the future. From the moment you notice that your child’s first tooth is coming up, you should clean it introducing a piece of dressing wrapped up on your index finger in his mouth after he had had milk or any food, and also clean his tongue. This has the purpose of creating a good dental care habit and protecting the baby’s teeth once they start appearing. It’s a point of start for dental protection.

The chronology of dental eruption, mostly known as “baby teeth” is as follows:
  • 5 to 7 months: Lower incisors or cutting teeth.
  • 8 months: Medium upper incisors.
  • 14 months: Lateral lower incisors.
  • 14 to 18: First molars.
  • 20 months: Canines
  • 30 months: Second molars

The first teeth is conformed by 20 dental pieces until the child turns 6 years, when the first permanent molar will recently appear, that’s’ why is also known as the “6 year molar”. It will have different characteristics from the baby teeth, such as bigger size and volume than the temporary ones, and never comes out. Likewise, it’s very important for the development of the maxillomandibular (upper and lower jaws) and for the perfect alignment of the definite teeth.

With the coming out of the baby teeth, the child might present some disorders like intense drooling and gums itching, which make the child take anything he finds into his mouth. For this, you should keep his toys very clean.

With the appearance of the first tooth the child presents an irritated and restless conduct, as well as diarrhea, vomits or temperature. When you notice these symptoms do not wait much time and take him to the pediatric dentist. Always remember that kids dehydrate quickly; so if he got an infection for something he took to his mouth, it could be the beginning of a terrible gastroenteritis (stomach inflammation).

Suggestions on baby dental care
It might he an inherited habit brushing your teeth when getting up in the morning to then have breakfast and stay with the mouth full of rests of food, which contribute to form germens that produce cavities.

It’s recommendable for the child when he get up to have an antiseptic mouth and throat wash for 2 minutes. The teeth brushing should be done after eating because in this way the mouth will be free food rests and will have a better breathe.

After lunch is also recommended a second teeth brushing, but in case there is not time for it, the child can get a quick mouth wash to remove the rest foods. However, after dinner dental hygiene must be done more carefully with the help of a dental floss.

To make the cleaning effective and preventive is necessary in first place to realize a correct and daily brushing of the dental surfaces touching the cheeks and the interior part of the lips, as well of the surfaces next to the palate and the tongue.

For this, it’s necessary the use of a short toothbrush, with smooth and even hair. As for the dental toothpaste, choose the ones with fluoride with a soft and tasty flavor for your child. And don’t forget the periodic visits to the pediatric dentist, or at least once a year.

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August 02, 2006

Elastics and elastomer chains

Dentists use elastics (rubbers) to complement the displacement of teeth. They are classified as follows:

Elastics type 1: they are placed on the arc for closing spaces an helping the elastomer chains.

Elastics type 2: they are used for the lower molars to upper canine tooth.

Elastics type 3: they are used from the upper molars to lower canine tooth
Elastics can be used in vertical direction to close the frontal open bites or to descend dental pieces that are moved outside.
Elastomer chains are used to close spaces; they are places o e ach braces, generally from molar to molar. There is also placed a chain link on each brace.

Coil Spring

These springs are placed inside an arc, just 2 mm more from the space they should be put on. They are used to separate pieces or to keep the space for the piece that should be placed there.
Bottoms Bottom-shaped metallic pieces used to displace outside teeth get adhered as well as braces. The dentist makes traction with elastics and later places a brace to align the piece. Mostly there are included pieces like the canines, on which there must be made fenestration; a space like a “little window” to place the bottom right there, or the dentist might put surgical cement on the wound to avoid cicatrisation. Nowadays is demonstrated than better than a fenestration is better leave flaps for lateral and top reposition.

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July 29, 2006

How to tighten braces

Straight wire braces are pre angled and individualized for each piece, the position the crown and root will get will be determined by the brace base and gap’s angulations, that’ why braces must be placed in a determined position each dental piece. For this, the dentist uses an instrument called “star” that will allow him/her to find a geometric center to place the brace.

The center, where the brace will be out, is determined by the intersection of the horizontal line given by the star with the vertical one, which divides the tooth’s face in two. The tooth is cleaned up with a rotator brush, it’s also very effective the use of pumice stone. The acid engraving is done and the vestibular tooth face becomes white matte when it dries. The adhesive is placed of the brace’s base and on the tooth’s face; the brace is put with special tweezers of the determined center, the dentist corrects the position with an explorer until it is well aligned.


Wires used in orthodontics can be active or passive if they exert strength or not onto the teeth. They are used wires of steel, nickel, titanium or titanium nickel with copper. Steel wires are used to make removable and fixed appliances, to make different types of arcs that are unable to make with nickel titanium. They are used wires of 0.5 to 1.25 mm of diameter; they can be welded to other bands and wires.

For the straight arc they use wires of nickel and titanium, and even copper, these wires exert continuous strengths, have an extreme resistance to deformation, but with a prolonged use they get worn out, they can be folded anymore.

The NITINOL® wire used in orthodontics was a military discovery in the navy laboratories in the U.S.; it’s an alloy that has the capacity of getting back its original shape –it has a great memory- and that’s why it is used for braces placement. It moves the dental pieces until the wire gets straight –let’s keep in mind it doesn’t fold- for their reason is basic to place each brace on its normal position and one each tooth, since the gaps’ angulations are different.
There are braided, round and rectangular wires. The orthodontic treatment usually starts with a braided wire, which actually is formed with three folded wires that has an extreme flexibility, once they are placed they liberate the teeth and the alignment begins. For this, dentists use wires of 0.015 mm of diameter.

After this, the dentist place the round wire, which go from 0,012, 0,014, 0,016, 0,018 y 0,020 mm of diameter.

The rectangular wire is the last one to be placed; it’s used to twist the dental pieces. There are many seizes but the most used are the ones from 0,022 to 0,016.

Wires Ni-Ti

The wire is placed on the braces gaps and dentist use bands to hold them, whether metallic or elastic. The metallic bands are soft wires of 0.2 5mm. nowadays the elastic bands are the most used and come in different colors.

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July 27, 2006


They are metallic or ceramic pieces that are welded to the bands or stuck directly to the teeth, used to support the active element: the arc. The molar bands already have their braces. The conventional braces are formed by a base with a covering that allows the adhesion to the tooth, a gap for the arc and some clips to fix the elastics.

Each dental house as its identifying methods for braces: arrows, numbers, colors, etc. there are esthetic braces, ceramic, (the classical ones are metallic) and there are laminated ones that get easily dyed. The ceramic braces get broken more easily though; they are hard and they may cause damage the enamel.

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July 26, 2006

Fixed Orthodontic

In Orthodontia they use fixed pieces in the oral cavity, so the patient can not take them off. They are combined with other types of orthodontics and any movement can be done with them. They sue continuous forces, thus more dangerous for the teeth, and therefore there must be a careful patient control.

There are many techniques of fixed orthodontia, the most used techniques since a few years ago and still used till these days are the Begg technique and the arch on its side apparatus, but due to the new materials, especially the nickel titanium wires, and the treatment system of most specialists has changed. The technique that is now taking the lead for its simplicity is the “straight wire”.

Elements used in fixed orthodontic:

– Space maintainers
– Bands
– Braces
– Wires
– Metallic and elastic bonds
– Elastics and elastomer chains
– Bonding and bottoms
– Extra oral apparatus

The ones that will support the wires and other elements fixed in the mouth are the bands and braces.

The Straight wire was created by Dr. Larry Andrews. The treatment can be started with movable or functional orthodontia, but we’ll always be rotating pieces, radial torque, extrusion, intrusion, leveling and aligning with fixed orthodontic.

Space maintainers

To place bands, we must defeat the contact point of the dental pieces that’s why dentists use metallic bonds or plastic mainteiners. After 24 hours we get the maximum separation, which is the double of the band’s size.


They are arc-shaped metallic elements that are pasted over the molars. Formerly, they used to be placed on each dental piece, but nowadays they only paste over the molars with glass ionomers. The bands are made from laminated steel and come in different shapes and numbers (1-32), so they are no longer made at dental laboratories.

Superior and inferiors bands

The inner side of the bands is matte and the external one is plain. The superior bands use to have three holes and the inferiors ones, two, they are aimed at supporting active and passive wires. Wires are placed inside the central hole of the superior band and inside the superiors’ hole of the inferior band. They may have tubes to join together dental devices.

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July 16, 2006

What other oral diseases we may have?

Fever blisters: Infections of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). If you ever had a fever blister, herpes labialis or cold sore let me tell you, you are not the only one. Half a million people suffer from it every year. Once you’ve been exposed to this virus, this may hide inside your system for years. Taking to much sunlight, having slight temperature with a cold, stress may wake up the virus, causing tiredness, muscular pain, sore throat, inflamed and sensible and lymphatic glands and fever blisters.

These blisters are quite contagious and are usually formed on the lips, or sometimes underneath the nose or the chin. The blisters take from 7-10 days to heal without leaving any scars.

There are medicines available at any drug store or supermarket to apply over the cold sore to anaesthetize and ease the pain. If the fever blisters persist, consult your doctor or your dentist to prescribe you an antivirus medication to help you diminish the chances of having these types of viral infections.

Aphthous ulcers or aphthosis: Common blisters, mostly innocuous, appear inside your mouth like ulcers of white or gray base and red border; they are more frequently in women than in men, usually during the menstrual period.

Their causes are unknown so far, but specialists relieve they are related to problems of the immunological system, which protect us from diseases, bacteria and viruses. Fatigue, stress or allergies may increase the probabilities of acquiring an aphthous ulcer. You may also get one if you have a cut in the interior part of your cheek or on your tongue. Aphtae may be small and are usually healed in one or three weeks. However, if you have a big aphtae (more than 1 centimeter); it might be treated with medication. Avoiding spicy meals can ease the pain. It may help as well using smooth mouth washers or salad water, of cleaning the aphtae with milk of magnesia or a mix or water and oxygenated water. There is no proven way to prevent aphtae, but if you get them constantly, take into account what may be irritating your mouth and tell your dental or dental hygienist.

Candidiasis or oral infections by fungi: These infections appear like red or white lesions in the mouth, plains or slightly up. They are common the people who use dentures, especially to old people, young people who have had extractions, or people who have problems in their immunological system. People with dry mouth syndrome have high probabilities of acquiring oral infections by fungi, which may be prevented with a good oral hygiene. If you use fake teeth, wash them and take them out when going to sleep. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist about medicines for these infections.

Dry Mouth Syndrome: Quite common in many adults, especially as they grow old. This may difficult eating, swallowing, tasting and talking. It happens when the salivary glands stop functioning correctly, usually as a secondary effect of medicines or any other health problems. If it is not treated it may produce cavities, since saliva helps the mouth to stay free from pieces of food and also helps to avoid acid form plaque onto your teeth.

Oral cancer: This type of cancer happens more frequently in people over their 40’s. It is discovered at its most advanced stage, when it is harder to treat. This happens because oral cancer is not painful, so the person who bears it may not find out she has it. Besides, many people don’t visit the dentist often enough to discover the cancer at an early stage. The most places where this cancer is developed are the tongue, lips and the mouth’s base. The use of tobacco, especially combined with alcohol is the main cause if this cancer. Oral cancer may show as a spot or a small blister, red or white in any place of the mouth. Among other signals there are:

– An easily bleeding blister or a blister that never heals.
– Change of color of the oral tissues.
– A scab, sensibility, numbness or a corrupted area by pain in any part of the mouth or lips.
– Problems for chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving the jaw or tongue
– Change in the teeth adjustment.

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July 15, 2006

How are oral problems related to other parts of your body?

Oral health may be an indicator or your general health. Many serious diseases, such as diabetes, HIV or some eating disorders show their first signals through symptoms in the mouth. For this reason, it is important to regularly have complete oral exams.

Most of us think of oral problems in terms of cavities, tooth aches, twisted or spotted teeth. The lack of healthy teeth and gums affects our appearance, but also affects the health of our system. For instance:

If you suffer from periodontal diseases, you have more probabilities of having cardiac diseases.

If you have no teeth, this may affect your mental health, since it can make you feel bad about yourself.

If you are diabetic, this may increase you probabilities of having periodontal diseases.

If you have diabetes and periodontal disease, you may have more trouble for controlling your sugar levels in the bloodstream.

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July 08, 2006

Baby’s oral health

If you’ve just given birth you must be wondering what to do for your baby’s oral health. Here we tell some facts you should know:

The same germens that affect your teeth may be transmitted to your baby if you put in your mouth your baby’s stuff, such as toys, spoons, etc.

If you clean the teeth and gums of your baby with a soft cloth or a special toothbrush for babies after breastfeeding or giving him/her meals, this helps to remove the sugar contained on milk and that may cause dental detriment.

If you give bottle to your baby, you‘d better stop doing it before he/she turns one year old. Never put your baby to sleep with a bottle of milk or juice. Never put a pacifier or lollypop on his mouth either. Sucking a bottle being lying on his/her cradle may destroy your baby’s teeth, causing great pain and difficulties for feeding him/her.

Pediatricians and pediatric dentists suggest baby should have an oral exam between the first and the second year of age. This is to evaluate possible problems in your child’s mouth, and this also will teach you how to take care correctly of the mouth and teeth of your baby.

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July 02, 2006

Women and oral health

Why as a woman I should worry about my oral health? Actually you should have a proper oral health care in every stage of your life. As a woman the changes in you hormonal levels during puberty, menstruation and menopause produce changes in your mouth. These hormonal changes may produce:
  • Blisters and thrushes
  • Gingivitis during puberty
  • Mouth dryness (often related to the use of certain medication)
  • Changes in the sense of taste
  • High risk of having periodontal diseases
  • Bone weakness by menopause

If I’m pregnant, should I take a special oral health care?

If you are pregnant you require special oral care:
Try to have a complete oral exam before or at the early beginning of your pregnancy, all the dental arrangements needed should be made before pregnancy or between the fourth or sixth month of it.
It is possible to receive emergency treatment during pregnancy, but this could be risky for your baby. Oral treatments are more dangerous during the first three months. If you are in the last three months of pregnancy you can receive oral treatment, but the dentist chair can be uncomfortable for you.

If you haven’t received oral assistance it is now time for practicing oral hygiene and having a healthy diet. Brush your teeth and use dental floss carefully everyday. Doing this you can control your risk of having an inflammation or periodontal diseases.

Some pregnant women have periodontal diseases, like pregnancy gingivitis, which increases the possibilities of having more serious periodontal diseases. This condition may be produced by a bad oral cleaning and by the increase of hormonal level during pregnancy as well. Having this problem may cause inconvenience while brushing your teeth or using dental floss, but it is important not to leave these things aside.

Also keep in mind that women with periodontal disease are more prone to have premature babies and low-weight babies.

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June 29, 2006

Simple and easy actions to have a healthy smile

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Try to do it just after getting up and before going to sleep. One a day use dental floss or inter dental cleaner to have deeper dental hygiene and take off the rest of foods from the places your toothbrush can’t reach.

Make sure to take mouth washer after brushing. Fluoride protects dental deterioration at any age. Most communities in the U.S. receive services of running water with added fluoride. Bu not everybody lives in a community with a centralized, public or private, resource of fluoride water. Consult your health or water department of your community to know if there is fluoride in your water.
Brush gently every side of each tooth with a soft-haired toothbrush and with fluoride toothpaste on. Circular and short movements forward and backwards give the best results.
Take your time to brush along your gums and brush smoothly your tongue to remove plaque and food rests. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist to show you the appropriate way to use dental floss.
Change your toothbrush at least every three months or before if you fin it very wasted. A new toothbrush removes more plaque then one that has over three months of use.

If you use dentures make sure to take it off at night and wash it before put it on the next day.

2. Try to have a healthy lifestyle. We know it is hard these days but it is a must. Eat healthy food. Reduce dental deterioration by brushing your teeth after meals and avoiding sugar foods between meals.

Do not smoke. Smoking increases periodontal disease risks, oral and throat cancer and oral infections by fungus.

If you drink alcohol only drink it in a moderate way, no more than one drink for women and no more of two for men. The excessive consume of alcohol increases oral and throat cancer too. When you consume alcohol and tobacco you have much a much higher risk or oral cancer than taking just one of them.

3. Visit the dentist regularly. Having an oral exam twice a year helps to find out the early signs of an oral disease. During regular check-ups dentists may find out signs of nutritional deficiencies, diseases, infections, immunologic alterations, injuries and some types of cancers.

Make an appointment ASAP if your gums bleed frequently, if you notice any red or white spot on them or on your tongue, if you have a non-stop mouth or jaw pain, if you have blisters that don’t heal in weeks or if you have problems to chew of swallow.

Besides dentists there are other professionals who provide oral attention:

Dental hygienists: they are part of your dentist’s staff. They clean gums and teeth, and teach patients how to prevent oral diseases and to keep oral health.

Periodontists: Dentists specialized in periodontal diseases, place dental implants or fake ones.
Oral surgeons: dentists who take biopsies (take tissues sample to examine them with a microscope) and practice oral surgeries.

4. If you have another health problem think how it may affect your oral health. For instance, if you take medication that cause you oral dryness, ask your dentist or dental hygienist if there is another medicine you can take instead. Get an oral exam before starting a cancer treatment. If you have diabetes it is very vital to keep a good oral health to prevent periodontal diseases.

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June 24, 2006

Teens and oral health

There is evidence that reveals periodontal disease may increase during adolescence for lack of motivation in practicing oral health. Children who keep good oral health habits until the 13 years old have more chances of keeping brushing and using floss than those kids who were never taught an appropriate oral health care.

Hormonal changes related to puberty may increase in teenagers the risk of developing periodontal disease. During adolescence, the level increase of sexual hormones like progesterone y possible estrogens cause and augmentation in gums bloodstream. This may cause more gum sensibility and a reaction much stronger to any simple irritation, and even small rests of food and tartar.

During this phase, gums may get irritated, red and feel pain. As long as youngsters are passing to adolescence, the gum inflammation starts decreasing. In spite of this it is still very important to follow a good oral health regime during puberty that includes daily brushing and the use of dental floss. In some cases, a dental specialist might recommend a periodontal therapy to help preventing harm to the tooth’s surrounding tissues and bone.
Advice for parents

Early diagnose is important to get a successful treatment for periodontal diseases. For this, it is important kids receive a periodontal exam as a part of their visit to the dentist. You must consider a general medical evaluation for teenagers with a severe periodontitis, especially if it seems to be resistant to therapy.

Many medications may get the mouth dry or create other oral health menaces. Make sure to tell your oral health professional about any other medicine you child is taking.

Observe very well if your son or daughter grind his/her teeth. Teeth grinding may increase the periodontal disease risk besides causing teeth getting fractured and splintered. Dentists can make custom mouth trays to avoid grinding at night.

Investigators suggest periodontal disease might be contagious through saliva. This means, that the common contact with saliva among relatives and couples may expose kids and teenagers to come down with this disease from a close person. So, if someone in the family or if your children have a mate they all should go to a specialist to receive a periodontal evaluation.

The most preventive measure against periodontal disease is definitely establishing good health care habits in your kids at a very early age. There are three basic preventive measures to help your children keep a good oral health:

- Once your child is 12 months old begin establishing seriously the first oral health habits. You may at that age starting using toothpaste for brushing. But, use only a little bit of it and push it inside the toothbrush hair for avoiding you kid swallowing it up. And when the spaces between the teeth start closing, it is time to use the floss then.

- Be a role model: practice good health care habits. Make your family regularly visit the dentist for check-ups, periodontal evaluations and cleanings.

- Examine your child’s mouth to see if there are any signs of periodontal disease like gum bleeding, gums getting red and swollen, gum receding and bad breathe.

If your child has now bad oral health habit, make the endeavor of leading him or her to change them ASAP. It is much easier to change habits in kids and teens than in grown-ups. If your child models his or her behavior following yours, it is logic you should serve as a positive oral health role model for him or her. A healthy smile, fresh breathe and strong teeth contribute to the appearance of the teenager, as well as his or her self-confidence and self-esteem.

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June 23, 2006

Children Oral Health Care

Many people usually think periodontal disease is an adult’s problem. Nevertheless, studies indicate that gingivitis (first phase of periodontal disease) is universally found in children and teenagers. The most advanced phases of periodontal disease are rarer in kids than in adults, but they may occur.

Making sure to have healthy teeth as a grown-up, relies on establishing appropriate oral health habits as a child. Parents can good oral habits at home. For example, parents may award their kids when playing tooth fairy when one of their teeth gets off or when the child passes a dental exam.

Types of child periodontal diseases

Chronic gingivitis: It is quite common among in children. It generally causes gums get easily inflamed, red and bleeding. Gingivitis can be prevented and treated following a customary routine of brushing, using dental floss and visiting the dentist. If your child does not receive medical treatment on time, the disease may progress over time towards more serious of periodontal disease.

Aggressive periodontitis mat affect the healthy. Localized aggressive periodontitis happens to adolescents and young adults too, and mainly affects the primary molars and the cutting or incisor teeth (the frontal ones). It is characterized by the severe loose of the alveolar bone, and ironically, patients form little tartar or dental plaque.

Generalized aggressive periodontitis may start around puberty and may involve all the mouth. By gum inflammation and big accumulations of dental plaque. Over time it might produce teeth get loose. Periodontitis associated with systemic diseases happens in children, teenagers as in adults too. Among the conditions that make children more susceptible to this disease are the following ones:

Down syndrome
Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
Diabetes Type 1: In recent research among 263 people with diabetes type 1 between 11-18 years old, 10% had evident periodontitis

  • There are 4 basic signs that will indicate you if your child has periodontitis:
    – Gums bleed when brushing your teeth, using dental floss or at any time
    – Gums inflamed and red
    – Receded gums from the teeth, even exposing the roots
    – Bad breath that doesn’t disappear even after brushing or using floss.

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    June 21, 2006

    What is oral health?

    The word “oral” is referred to mouth, including teeth, gums and the supporting tissues. It is easy taking oral health for granted, but the key is to live day by bay comfortably. Oral tissues are the ones that allow us to smile, sigh, kiss, smell, taste, chew, swallow and cry. They also permit us show a series of feeling through their expressions. Taking good care of these tissues can help avoiding diseases on them and all over the body.

    Which are the most common oral health problems?

    The most frequent oral health problems are definitely cavities and periodontal diseases.


    We are all in jeopardy of having cavities any days along our lives. At reaching adultness, 85% of people have had cavities!

    This is how it happens: it is natural that we have bacteria (germens) inside our mouths. Bacteria merge with saliva and small food rests in our mouths to form an adherent coat onto our teeth (dental plaque). Plaque has teeth wasting acids. These acids can penetrate into our teeth and create holes or cavities in them.

    Periodontal diseases

    They are caused by infections or plaque around our teeth, and they are a usual cause of teeth loss after the 35 years old. The first phase of periodontal diseases and one of the most common is gingivitis. Gingivitis irritates gums and makes them bleed and get swollen. Periodontal diseases are more frequent while people grow old, and most people present signs of them between their 30 or 40 years old.

    Periodontitis is a type of more serious periodontal illness, which is left aside for treatment becomes worse as long as infectious focuses are formed between teeth and gums. This makes gums get separated from their respective teeth and their supporting bones get deteriorated as well. Id teeth do not have a support, they may decay. This illness is caused by mouth bacteria. You have more possibilities of getting infected of this if:

    Someone in your family has it.

    You are a smoker.

    Have diabetes or HIV.

    When plaque is not removed is hardens forming a dental calculus (tartar). As long as plaque and calculus keep on accumulating, gums start receding (getting away from teeth) and forming bags between teeth and gums.

    When the periodontitis is advanced gums recede much more destroying more the bone and the periodontal ligament. Teeth, even the healthy ones, may get loose and get removed.

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    June 17, 2006

    More on dental bonding

    Is dental bonding for you?

    It must be considered when the person has deteriorated, chipped or cracked teeth. When there is a considerable separation between them, or they are too short that produced asymmetry with the neighboring teeth, when there is a dental portion exposed because of gum receding; also to improve the look of discolored teeth or to replace the dark and anti-aesthetic amalgam fillings.

    How is the bonding procedure?

    Phase one: Preparation. This process does not a big especial preparation at all. Only when there is the case of decayed teeth the dentist will have to apply anesthesia and select a tooth color-matching composite resin.

    Phase two: The process. The tooth’s surface will be filed for putting on a conditioning liquid on it in order to allow the bonding material to adhere to it. The composite resin once applied is shaped and smoothed as it is desired. Then an UV laser is used to harden the material, and the dentist will trim, shape and polish the tooth until it looks like the rest of your teeth. This procedure takes from 30-60 minutes per teeth.

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    June 13, 2006

    Cosmetic Dentistry

    Comprends a group of techniques and procedures used to improve teeth, smile and personal image. It is afact that an extreme smilemakover can have astonishing results on a person’s apperance and confidence that will lead to social, romantic and career success.

    Cosmetic dentists make use of one technique or procedure or combinate them to enhance teeth, gums and finally the complete smile. In recent years cosmetic dentistry has experimented an amazing advance and development that has gone beyond the typical extractions and amalgam fillings to dental implants and full mouth reconstructions.

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    June 04, 2006

    Alternative cosmetic dentistry techniques

    Crowns: Protective covers made from porcelain or ceramic which are located over the tooth’s surface to hide dental cracks and yellowish stains. To start the procedure each teeth is shaped to pu on it the crown with local anaesthetic. Then a tooth impression is taken for the dental lab to elaborate a crown of similar color. In the meantime, the patient will be placed with temporary crowns for 2-3 weeks. And finally, on the second visit the final crowns will be bonded into teeth.

    Keynote: A good crown placement is done when the crowns look like natural teeth and can go along with implants or any other dental reconstruction technique.

    Bonding: This is another altenative to cosmetic dentistry which consists on composite resin that is molded onto the teeth to change their color and shape. The resin material can stain and chip over time. This procedure can usually be done in one office visit.

    Implants: complex pieces formed by a titanium rod –compatible material with the tooth’s tissues, bones and nerves- used as a base for an artificial tooth, as well for bridges, crowns or dentures. This is probably the most expensive alternative of all since the cost is very high per tooth! But it’s long-lasting -15 years approximately- and is quite suitable for those poeple who have lost most of thier dental pieces.

    Dental bridges: In case a teeth has been lost or removed a dental color-matching bridge is placed between the gap left among the adjacent teeth. A special lab-made structure that incorporates a hollow crown to support the lost dental piece, and then the bridge if fitted in the missing tooth’s place.

    It’s more the most preferred among permanent treatments since it’s more comfortable and less invasive than a fake denture.

    Dental orthodontics or “braces”: Even though is more usual in teenagers, nowadays more adults are going for using braces. Neverthless the process for them is lenghty due to the fact that their bones are already developed and not in continuous movement and realigning as in teens. Braces are small pieces applied on the tooth’s frontal face supported by a wire and very small bands per piece, bespoken to realign teeth’s position.

    Before their colocation some procedures must come first like cavities restoring, getting x-rays of the jawbone and taking samples of the teeth’s alignment. This is also a very expensive treatment and demands lot of patience from the patient since it takes at least 1 year or continuous visits to the dentist.

    Keynote: now there are removable braces for a period of months and invisible braces too (invasilign), and the results are as good as the regular braces, but depends on the specialist’s determination according to the particularities of each case.

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    June 03, 2006

    Cool and fashionable Veneers

    Venners are nowadays the most popular alternative in cosmetic dentistry. They are small delicate facings or “shells” of only 1mm thick made of porcelain that due to its color and shape look pretty much like contact lenses or fake fingernails.

    They are aimed to improve and stylish teeth’s appearance, for people who have very small teeth, separated, with irregular sizes (not twisted) or not severely stained.

    The process is based on trimming each tooth’s enamel to place each veneer on it, so its is partially invasive and it is IRREVERSIBLE, so you must be very sure of undergoing this technique.

    Veeners’ waste goes from just 0.7 to 0.8 mm per year; their duration is for 10 years approximately, after which you will have to get replacements. You can have your meals without any problem, just avoid eating bones and opening anything with your teeth for not damaging the veneers.

    The veeenring procedure is generally doen in only 2 dentist visits, between them the peatient witll be fitted temporary veneers till the bonding of the final ones.

    Venners have become quite popular lately and not only among celebrities –have you noticed Hillary Duff’s brand new smile?- but also to the common people like you and me. They represent a good and very quick and aesthetic alternative to teeth bleaching, and less painful too.

    Venners look nice are comfortable and yes, still affordable if you get a good dental health care plan.

    They are different types of veneers depending on the material they are made such as:

    Composite veneers

    They are made in one session in the clinic, no previous lab phase is required.

    They modify the color and shape of our teeth. This is a conventional technique since it doesn’t need the dentist to carve upon the teeth.

    The only inconvenient is that these veeners may suffer some color modifications when time passes by. That’s why an anual polishing is reccomended by specialists.

    Porcelain veneers

    They are lab-made structures thatr ecover the teeth’s frontal side. Witht hem the teeth’s color and shape can be modified. As well as porcelain crowns, they need teth carving producing the loss of some tenths from dental tissue.

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    May 28, 2006

    5 basic things you should never do

    Just to remind you, or in case you had any idea how these common habits can be actually very harmful for your bteeth and oral health if you do not put them under control.

    1. Do not smoke.
    2. Do not take too much caffeine. Leave that coffee mug down.
    3. Try anise, mint, coke tea or any other healthy herbal tea that will keep you warm and will not damage your stomach, liver and teeth!
    4. Reduce your consume of sugar and foods that contain it.
    5. Not abuse from the tea nor colas. Sorry, but red wine doesn’t help either.

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    May 27, 2006

    Watch out your gums!

    Attention to the contraindications and the secondary effects:
    Be aware that teeth whitening may not be suitable for

    - Young teeth
    - During pregnancy.
    - Teeth with deep cracks
    - Teeth with fine enamel.
    - If your teeth have previous fillings, this must be sustited to match with the new color of your teeth.If your have fixed porcelain prothesis, these must aslso be sustituted to match the color.

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    May 26, 2006

    How to make long-lasting the whiteness of your teeth

    The following tips we give you to keep the whitenes of your teeth are quite simple and easy to do at home or at your working place.

    ALWAYS keep in mind how lustruous and healthy your teeth will look if you:

    - Try as much as you can to slow down with tobacco.
    - Avoid foods that stain your teeth as the ones previosuly mentioned.
    - Give your teeth a very fussy cleaning

    - Brushing them 3 times a day (after each meal)

    - Using a fluoride toothpaste- Choosing an anatomic and delicate-haired toothbrush to protect your gums from abrasion while brushing.

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    May 25, 2006

    Is this a safe treatment?

    Yes, it is, under a strict and correct use of whitening techniques. No damage on enamel, dentin, pulp, gums or dental prothesis have been reported. For this reason, always remember to go to a good oral health care specialist.

    However, there are minimal side effects during or after the whitening treatment like the hipersensitivity to cold or heat, sore throats, gum irritation and white patches may appear in the gums lines. Nevertheless, this symptons do not appear in the majority of people and do not last for so long. In case those persist, might be as the result of external factors that you should consult to your doctor.

    During the treatment there is no loss of enamel nor dentin. Applications are controlled so that you don't swallow hydrogen peroxide.

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    May 24, 2006

    How much the treatment lasts?

    The whitening’s duration depends on the type of treatment you have chosen. Generally, the treatment in meant to last three years (of professional whitening), yet it depends on the after care that each person give to her teeth to keep them white. For that reason, it’s better if you start changing or quitting bad habits such as smoking, having staining foods and drinks, and giving your teeth a proper and careful daily brush.

    To make it more long-lasting, you can get touch-ups every 3 or 6 months after the initial application.

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    May 23, 2006

    The power of a sexy smile ;)

    We all want our mate to want us and desire us. And if we are single, but looking for dating a seductive look and smile can help us to make a dashing impact on the first date.

    You bet that many people admire a person with nice teeth. Most people like outgoing, approachable and smiley people. What could be better than a person that transmists all these things we like through a honest, fresh and fun smile? Grumpy faces, hiding your mouth with your hand –OK, I agree with the ones who think this gesture could be sweet but for more others, it may mean shyness and insecurity- or closed smiles doesn’t win many hearts.

    Do not forget: A beautiful open smile gives a contagious positive good mood to other people, makes you look younger and more attractive for sure!

    For instance, beauty pageant contestants not only pass through several body-shaping surgeries, hair and make-up make-overs, but also through dental cosmetic arrangements. The secret of a jury-captivating smile is to make the teeth a little bit “rabbit-looking”, that is straight, square and slightly big to impact with an impecable whiteness. Veneers, have become lately the favorite ones among them and celebrities. Do not confuse them with braces, these ones are aimed to correct teeth’s position and direction –that’s why it is a long process of one year at least -, ont he other hand, veneers are a cosmetic technique that quickly modifies their natural size and shape as do.

    One practical tip: Record yourself talking (to the wall or whatever you have in front) for 5-10 minutes sit down or stan up not paying too much attention to the camera, then watch the tape and (this an exercie I started practicing in college for oral expression and speech) observe in detail every of your gestures: face, hands and posture.

    If you want something more practical just watch yourself in the mirror or ask any close relative or friend to tell you what he or she considers wrong in your interaction.

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