November 19, 2006

101 on dental health: Part II

It is not necessary to brush your teeth alter each meal
It is important to do it in the morning and at might. It is damaging in the case you have taken acid drinks, since the brushing would eliminate the enamel weakened by the acid.

Do not ignore a slight tooth ache.
Do not overlook painful stinging or other signs, no matter how weak they are. The pain gradually gets worse.

Dental cavities are not always painful
Tooth aches are not always related to cavities. It can be due to an infection that does not show through the mouth in a visible way.

Sparkling water can dissolve the dental enamel
Avoid drinking sparkling water since the carbonic gas can gradually eliminate the enamel. To reduce cavities and improve dental hygiene use fluoride water.

Excessive and inadequate brushing can damage gums and molars
Teeth should be brushed for 2 minutes at most with circular movements. If you pass this time and moreover, you perform horizontal and/or vertical movements you will be damaging and wasting the dental surface of your teeth.


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