November 18, 2006

101 on dental health: Part I

Mouth washes do not fight bacteria
Using mouth wash is important but they do not reach the areas where dental floss can reach. Bacteria are not totally eliminated with a mouth wash.

Dental bleachers do not change the teeth’s color
Dental bleaching products just limit to eliminate the stains on teeth, that is the teeth will recover their natural color. The person who has white teeth will get them whiter and the person who has them yellowish will get them less yellowish.

The use of dental floss prevents heart disease
American researchers have found out that people with gum problems are two times more prone to suffer from heart disease.

Dry mouth can damage your teeth
A mouth frequently dry is a sign of possible diabetes. Saliva is fundamental to drag rests of food and neutralize acids.

Saliva show if we have bad breath
Put a bit of saliva of the back of your tongue on the palm of your hand and let it dry and smell it.

Fake teeth have to be changed very 5 years
Oral tissues of the lower part of the teeth change over time, but the hard material do not get adapted.

Bleached teeth are not as strong as yellow teeth
As we grow old we are loosing blood stream and this makes teeth look yellowish, but not necessarily less healthy. On the contrary, people who use too much teeth bleaching products are gradually eliminating the protective enamel.


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