July 02, 2006

Women and oral health

Why as a woman I should worry about my oral health? Actually you should have a proper oral health care in every stage of your life. As a woman the changes in you hormonal levels during puberty, menstruation and menopause produce changes in your mouth. These hormonal changes may produce:
  • Blisters and thrushes
  • Gingivitis during puberty
  • Mouth dryness (often related to the use of certain medication)
  • Changes in the sense of taste
  • High risk of having periodontal diseases
  • Bone weakness by menopause

If I’m pregnant, should I take a special oral health care?

If you are pregnant you require special oral care:
Try to have a complete oral exam before or at the early beginning of your pregnancy, all the dental arrangements needed should be made before pregnancy or between the fourth or sixth month of it.
It is possible to receive emergency treatment during pregnancy, but this could be risky for your baby. Oral treatments are more dangerous during the first three months. If you are in the last three months of pregnancy you can receive oral treatment, but the dentist chair can be uncomfortable for you.

If you haven’t received oral assistance it is now time for practicing oral hygiene and having a healthy diet. Brush your teeth and use dental floss carefully everyday. Doing this you can control your risk of having an inflammation or periodontal diseases.

Some pregnant women have periodontal diseases, like pregnancy gingivitis, which increases the possibilities of having more serious periodontal diseases. This condition may be produced by a bad oral cleaning and by the increase of hormonal level during pregnancy as well. Having this problem may cause inconvenience while brushing your teeth or using dental floss, but it is important not to leave these things aside.

Also keep in mind that women with periodontal disease are more prone to have premature babies and low-weight babies.


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