December 10, 2006

Crooked teeth: Part IX

Periapical radiographs: They are a series of small individual radiographies of teeth taken to observe detailed characteristics of some particular area or small details of some tooth that can not be observed on a panoramic radiography.

Photographic studies: They help evaluating physiognomic characteristics, shape, length and width of the face and facilitate detecting facial asymmetries of patients, as well as details that can not be perceived by first sight, being a valuable instrument to compare results of the treatment.

Yeast models: They are an exact duplicate of your teeth that is realized introducing a soft dough that will quickly get hard in your mouth, being removed smoothly, pouring on it a special yeast to make a model that will allow the orthodontist study your teeth when you are not at his/her office.

Once these exams are realized, the orthodontist will indicate you the most adequate type of treatment for your particular case, when to start it, the type of devices you will use, who much time it will last, the cost and the way of payment.

Eventually, the orthodontist may demand complementary exams if he/she considers them necessary as respiratory airways exams, blood test and others the doctor consider necessary.

So, without radiographies I can not get an orthodontics treatment?
Definitely NO, since the doctor could not be able to know how the roots of your teeth are or where the missing teeth are or if there are supernumerary teeth (more teeth than normal) or if there are congenital absences of teeth or bone problems, or any other problem.

How often should I go to the dentist?

The first appointments will be weekly until finishing placing all the devices (3 to 4 visits), then your visits to the dentist will be once a month. When the devices will be removed, you visits tot he dentist will be more spare.


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