September 08, 2006

What are teeth implants? Part II

What happens if there is only one tooth missing?

In kids and young patients is common the congenital absence of one tooth –that didn’t appeared- or it broke.

There are the following treatment alternatives:Removable prosthesis or flipper: it has an acrylic palate or holding hooks. It’s the cheapest system, but also the most uncomfortable and not so esthetic. However, it’s a good temp solution for a dental implant treatment.

Adhesive prosthesis : It sticks to the teeth’s enamel thanks to the application of shallow acids and then a resin. It can be temporary while a bridge or tooth implant is made.

Dental implants are an ideal solution for the reposition of a single tooth; the implant is introduced within the bone and; in a second phase is restored with prosthesis.

Once the implant is placed we can observe through X-rays its position within the bone, we can see it has replaced the root of the lost tooth. From now on, we have to wait between four months approximately for the upper jaw and six months for the lower jaw to proceed to the elaboration of the definite crown upon this implant.
What happens is there are many teeth missing?

Over the years teeth come out because of gums problems, cavities or fractures.In these cases, multiple implants placement is an alternative, since the teeth left don’t have to be involved to replace the absent ones. On the hand, this avoids the inconvenient of a flipper.

However, traditional alternatives provide a solution too, and sometimes, there amore more suitable for certain patients.

The treatment options when there are many missing teeth are:
  1. Removable dentures
  2. Fix bridge trimming neighboring teeth
  3. Individual implant with crowns upon.


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