September 03, 2006

What are teeth implants? Part I

Dental implants consist of a cylindrical-shaped titanium piece introduced inside a maxillary or mandibular bone, through a small surgical intervention, similar to a tooth extraction.

Afterwards, between 4 to 6 months after the implant collocation, the dental surgeon will proceed to the crown elaboration that will be placed upon the implant, now intimately integrated to our own bone (bone-integrated)

What advantages do dental implants have?

The most important advantages are that you can avoid the use of fake teeth, as well as the trimming of the surrounding teeth for fix prosthesis. However, teeth implants do not represent a panacea for the reposition of lost teeth. There are many cases that can be solved with a conventional prosthesis; and it’s always wise to ask the dentist, who is the most indicated to suggest the different alternatives for each case.

We must point out that tooth implant most be done in team, under the charge of a professional in dental final restoration (prosthesist), since he/she must indicate which is the most suitable position for the implant, according to the work plan.


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