February 06, 2009

Fiber avoids teeth problems in children

We know that American nutrition has been in deep trouble for long, butluckily more and more people are becoming aware and trying to have a healthier lifestyle. Good. And here goes one more reason to make change happen: fiber rich foods will keep you children teeth problem free

Apples, carrots, jam beans and other fiber rich foods must take part in your child’s daily diet, but you have to serve them in large slices to make him chew in order to strengthen his bite

When you fee you child with soft, mashed, minced or grinded foods you are not making him chew enough and this is the main cause of misaligned or crooked teeth due to the lack of space in the gums.  

Your child’s jaw needs to work out as any other muscle or bone in his body. So, as soon as he is able to chew, replace the baby food for sliced –not grated- food to exercise his jaw bones.

In addition to fiber enriching your child’s diet, you can prevent he develops teeth problems by teaching good dental hygiene habits as soon as his first tooth comes up to avoid the most common teeth problems such as cavities, gingivitis (gum inflammation) and abscesses. 


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