September 08, 2008

Causes of tooth ache

Any kind of pain is always a bad thing, but tooth ache is special because it affects our teeth, the organs we eat everyday with.

Anyone who has experienced it knows how terrible it is, especially when you have a work where you have to talk or have direct contact with people, or it just paralyzes you. It sucks big time.

But, what are the causes of our dental mishap?

  • Tooth root’s exposure. This may happen due to gum receding or untreated cavities. If there is a deep cavity in the untreated tooth, then it is possible that the dental pulp causes an intense pain that doesn’t leave you sleep.
  • Tooth decomposition and decay. Again, this is related to the presence of cavities, which means you have to go ASAP to the dentist.
  • Cavities close to the nerve. When teeth are so close together, if one has a cavity it can pass it to other teeth. This usually happens to wisdom teeth.
Other reasons for teeth pain are:
  • Gum disease.
  • Bruxism or teeth grinding.
  • Abnormal teeth bite.
  • Dental trauma.
  • Poor dental ergonomy.
Although you can always take a painkiller and ease your immediate pain, you MUST visit the dentist for a full checkup, once you notice sensibility to hot and/or cold foods, constant tooth ache, inflamed gums, strong pain when biting, more pain in that area after a dental procedure or teeth discoloration.


bestonline323 said...

i think tooth ache and ear ache are the worst of all.

Due to the fact that you cant do anything instantly about it! For example pain killers do not work that well with tooth ache and ear ache. If you have a back ache you can put Those heating stickers, or bengay. Or if you have a headache you can tak a ibuprofen and in 10 minutes its gone.

Sure you have numbing creams for teeth ache but it comes back after a few minutes!

I really enjoyed reading the causes of tooth ache so i know to go to the dentist regularly to prevent it!

Thanks again,
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holyjeepers said...

I have so many cavities. It'll cost me a small fortune to get my mouth fixed. :(

bjdenise said...

I definitely agree with you there. Well said. I'm been looking for topics as interesting as this. Looking forward to your next post.


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