April 09, 2008

Home remedies for natural teeth whitening

If for any reason you do not want or can not get a teeth whitening treatment, you can still get your pearls white by means of the following side-effects free natural remedies:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a very popular natural whitening agent that can be combines to increase its properties with lemon juice, baking soda, baking powder, etc.
  • Drinking a lot of water is one of the best natural remedies against teeth stains. It also helps promote healthy gums and prevent you from drinking staining drinks such as coffee, teas, colas, etc.
  • Using toothpaste with whitening properties. Although they can not produce quick results, but still they can produce noticeable effects in the long time.
  • Other good teeth whiteners are: silica, apple cider, white vinegar, bamboo powder, calcium carbonate and sodium chloride.
Please note that lemon juice and strawberry juice are not the best teeth whitening home remedies very frequently because their strong acids can weaken your teeth. For better results, just rub them directly on your teeth or mash them into a paste.

Source: Los Angeles Chronicle

1 Comment:

Disclosure said...

I've been ready to get my root canal since the Fall last year. I've been able to postpone the visit to the dentist by using herbal medications, mainly drinking lots of green tea that prevented the infection from spreading. Can anyone suggest a good way to cure the infected tooth naturally? I am going to be using endodontist 4 less membership to reduce root canal cost. I would hate to have my tooth be killed like that by a dentist though. Does anyone have any suggestions for natural remedies for healing infected root canal of a tooth?

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