November 07, 2007

Valuable recommendations after a tooth extraction

After you have undergone a wisdom tooth extraction there are certain measures you have to take to ensure a successful - fast and thorough- healing of your mouth.


  • Keep the lint mildly tight in your mouth during 30 minutes
  • Apply an ice bag on your swollen cheek for 20 minutes, making some pauses if it feels too cold for you during the first day, maximum two.
  • Soft and liquid diet, and chew from the opposite side at least for the first 3 days.
  • Sleep with two pillows
  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristle brush, trying not to reach the affected area. You can use lint or a piece of wool
  • In case you bleed more than normal, pout a new dry lint in your mouth and keep it softly chewed
  • If there is any complication do not hesitate in calling your dentist
  • Do not make any physical effort. No exercises, no computer work, no reading in uncomfortable positions, and do not bend. Just relax
  • Do not suck or inhale, do not make gargles or apply mouth wash
  • Do not drink hot drinks during the first 24 hours
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol
  • Do not chew gum


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