October 27, 2007

Wisdom teeth surgery – Part I

How to prevent a wisdom tooth surgery

It is obvious that the ideal thing is avoiding reaching the maximum limit, which is a wisdom teeth surgery. And for this aim, the only way to make this possible is by visiting your dentist every six months.

This way your doctor can prevent the incidence of any impacted wisdom tooth. If this turns out to be the case, it will require wisdom teeth surgery that will have to be perfomed by a maxilofacial surgeon.

A maxilofacial surgeon is the dental specialist who is trained to perform surgeries in mouth and maxillaries. A maxilofacial specialist can extract the four wisdom teeth in just one single intervention of 30 to 60 min with minimal effects (pain and swelling).

Beware: When a wisdom teeth surgery is not performed correctly it can cause permanent problems as infections, sinusitis, and low nerve damage (the enrve that gives sensibility to the lower lip and chin).


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