How is a wisdom tooth extraction performed?
When a wisdom tooth has emerged into its expected position it can be removed in a routinary process. This is generally perfomed by a maxilofacial dentist.
The dentist injects local anesthesia just in the area where the wisdom tooth is, until that part of your mouth has got totally numb to prevent any discomfort during the extraction.
Then the doctor proceeds to pull out the wisdom tooth, which usually lasts around 15 to 20 minutes at most. After the wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist will put a piece of lint in the place where the molar was. You have to keep the lint for 30 to 45 minutes to stop the bleeding.
Generally dentists prescribe some analgesics to ease the pain after. Spill the saliva and blood, but do not rinse your mouth or do any gargles during the first hours.
The effects of anesthesia disappear after one hour. Afterwards, you will feel certain pain and discomfort that will fade away in a couple of days.
Please note: When the wisdom tooth has not totally emerged, it is called an impacted widom tooth, to extract it, it si necessary to perform a wisdom tooth surgery.
October 28, 2007
Wisdom Teeth Surgery - Part II
October 27, 2007
Wisdom teeth surgery – Part I
How to prevent a wisdom tooth surgery
It is obvious that the ideal thing is avoiding reaching the maximum limit, which is a wisdom teeth surgery. And for this aim, the only way to make this possible is by visiting your dentist every six months.
This way your doctor can prevent the incidence of any impacted wisdom tooth. If this turns out to be the case, it will require wisdom teeth surgery that will have to be perfomed by a maxilofacial surgeon.
A maxilofacial surgeon is the dental specialist who is trained to perform surgeries in mouth and maxillaries. A maxilofacial specialist can extract the four wisdom teeth in just one single intervention of 30 to 60 min with minimal effects (pain and swelling).
Beware: When a wisdom teeth surgery is not performed correctly it can cause permanent problems as infections, sinusitis, and low nerve damage (the enrve that gives sensibility to the lower lip and chin).
October 10, 2007
When is necessary to remove wisdom teeth?
Wisdom tooth removal is performed when there is no enough space for them to come out and fix in the dental cavity.
Here we mention the symptoms that tell us when exactly a wisdom tooth has to be removed, even though it has not come out completely onto the surface, before they get impacted and start giving you trouble.
Wisdom tooth symptoms
- Pain
- Dental cavity infection
- Face swelling
- Gum inflammation in the back side of the mouth
Once, you present any of these symptoms your dentist will naturally recommend you to proceed to get an extraction done in order to prevent wisdom tooth problems, as an impacted wisdom tooth may destroy a second molar.
According to the American Academy of General Dentistry, the retention of wisdom teeth is the most common disorder during development stage.