May 22, 2006

A big smile always opens many doors

...And if it is white and perfect much better, right?

I think that most people agree with me that first sight impression may bring your image to the top or otherwise, take it to the tumb. Let’s face it, even if it affects our intellectual ego: Appearance does matter. Human beings are quite visual, and the first we see from a person is her appearance, not her personality.

The first look, meet, encounter or date with another person is decisive and it MUST be “pleasantly striking”. I know it sounds shallow and you have heard it thousand times before –i used to resist to believe it- but really, most people treat you based on how you look, even the ones who seem or say that are unaware of it.

It’s not just an aesthetic cool-looking matter –which should never become an ongoing nightmare to anyone- but it is a matter of hygiene and good health. It is a fact that we feel more comfortable talking to and being next to someone who looks tidy and clean - and if he or she is a charming person much better- than with someone who doesn’t. And when we look good,we definetely feel really good.

As well, it’s true that having a white shiny smile goes along with straight and perfectly- shaped teeth. For more info related to this check out: Cosmetic dentistry and veneers.


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